Education Innovation Summit in the Age of AI
On June 15, 2024, Dong Hao, co-founder and partner of Crossboundaries attended the "Education Innovation Summit in the Age of AI" held at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, coming together with the 10th Anniversary Celebration of 赫德 (HD Schools). The round
Final review week in suzhou
Binke Lenhardt, Co-Founder and Partner of Crossboundaries, traveled to Suzhou last week to join the semester's final reviews at XJTLU as a guest critic, alongside other reviewers. The student works from the ARC102 Small Scale Architecture Design course, coordinated by Sandro
Chengdu Horticultural exhibition
The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 with architectural exhibition:The theme "Park City - Beautiful Habitat" emphasizes the prevailing characteristics of the times and the unique features of Chengdu, stressing principles of green, low carbon, sustainability, sharing, and inclusion.Until the end of
TEACHING @Tsinghua University
This spring we were teaching a 3rd year open studio at Tsinghua University with its focus on the urban renewal of the area around the Ping'anli Subway Station in central Beijing, a crucial subway node for commuters. Students were encouraged to
GUEST CRITIC @Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology.
In mid-April, Hao Dong was invited as a guest critic for the midterm presentations of architectural students from Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. The students' design focus was on the upgrading and renovation of the Wangfujing Foreign Language Bookstore. Recently, the
hao on Huge stage – SUN·DAY 2024
On April 21, Dong Hao was invited by Sunshine New Energy to participate in the SUN·DAY 2024 in Hefei. The SUN·DAY is the first public festival in the new energy industry, with more than 3,500 guests including end users in
Hao gave Lecture in Hangzhou
On April 19, Dong Hao was invited to participate in the “International Forum on Design and Innovation of Primary and Secondary School Campus Environment” held in Hangzhou. He attended the forum together with experts, scholars and insiders from all over
Binke teaching at HKU – Dubai trip
As part of the teaching assignment in the Department of Urban Design at the University of Hongkong in the spring 2024, Binke participated in a field trip to Dubai, where the students of the Master of Urban Design had to
Happy New Year of the Dragon!
Our New Year interactive greeting cards have arrived!How do you plan to design your 2024?
Crossboundaries X Design Thinking
This year, Crossboundries opened two winter camps called "Navigate the Era of GPT".As we step into the GPT era, facing the potential adjustment of 80% of today's jobs in the next 20 years, we think children must adapt to evolving